How to Talk to People with Disabilities

  • Look someone in the eye.
  • Talk directly to the person- don’t talk to their companion instead.
  • Never speak about the person as if they can’t understand or respond.
  • Don’t assume a person can’t do things.
  • Ask someone first before offering help- they may not need it!
  • Don’t pat or talk to a guide dog or service animal- these animals are working so shouldn’t be distracted.
  • Don’t assume a person with a disability has other disabilities. Example: Someone who has low vision can still hear you, there is no need to shout.

Words to Avoid & Words to Use

Avoid: Normal Person

Use: Person without disability

Avoid: Confined to a wheelchair, Wheelchair bound

Use: Uses a Wheelchair

Avoid: Retarded, tard, moron, intellectually challenged

Use: Person without disability

Avoid: Cripple, Physically challenged

Use: Physical Disability

Avoid: Downsy, mongoloid

Use: Person with Down Syndrome

Avoid: Insane, lunatic, maniac, mental, psycho, psychopath, crazy, skitzo, kuku

Use: Person with a mental illness

Avoid: Spastic/Spacy

Use: Person with a disability/ Person with cerebral palsy

Avoid: Dwarf, midget, little person, vertically challenged

Use: Short-statured person